starbrightokc.org  *  starbrightokc@gmail.com  *  405-728-4778

Starbright Children’s Day Out is a play and rest program.

We offer Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays during the school year for children ages 6 months through 3 years old.  

We also offer summer sessions, SPARK, on Mondays and Wednesdays in June and July for children
ages 6 months through pre-kindergarten. 

Our goal is to provide a safe and loving Christian environment for children. The Starbright daily schedule is designed to give children the opportunity to learn developmental skills and preschool readiness through activities such as crafts, music, circle time, free play, and other developmentally appropriate activities.  We introduce the alphabet, numbers, colors and shapes while practicing social development such as walking in a line, staying seated, sharing and participating in groups.

Children enrolled in Starbright also enjoy weekly age appropriate chapel lessons and music classes, and story time. 

We also celebrate holidays, birthdays and enjoy outdoor play, pizza days and more special activities.

The hours are 9:15am to 2:10pm.

Doors open at 9:15 for drop-off and open at 2:00 for pick up.

You may choose to attend one, two or three days a week depending on availability.

Enrollment fees are due at the time of enrollment. 

Please see "Tuition Info" below for the amount.

For more information or questions, feel free

to call

or email

We would love to set up an appointment for you to tour the program.

School Calendar and Closings


We will follow the calendar except for unforeseen circumstances or public health emergencies that require closure. In case of safety concern or inclement weather, we will coordinate with Church of the Servant and decide what is in the best interest of our families and staff. If a closure is required, we will inform parents by email, on the Starbright Facebook page, and the Remind App. There are no tuition refunds for unexpected closures due to inclement weather or public health emergencies.


Click here to download our tuition information PDF

Tuition is to be paid monthly on the first day that your child attends the program.

Please let the office know if special arrangements need to be made.

There are no refunds, credits, or make-up days for absences due to illness, vacation, or inclement weather or public health emergencies.

Once the program has started, a two week notice is required when withdrawing your child from the program.

Full tuition is still required for the month that you withdraw your child.


We encourage you to arrive in a timely manner to establish a predictable routine for your child, help keep the class on schedule and avoid disruptions. We cannot accept early drop-offs. Prior arrangements must be made for any drop off after 9:30am.

Please email or call the Starbright office at (405) 728-4778 if your child will be absent due to illness or other reasons. You may call the night before or early in the morning the day your child will be absent. Also, if your child’s teacher gave you her contact info, please feel free to contact her in case of absence.

We are happy to accept drop-ins for children enrolled in the program. The drop-in fee is $35 per day.

Please contact the office or the child’s teacher before school begins to inquire about drop-in space availability.

Parents who are consistently late for pick up may be charged a late fee of $10.


Starbright staff uses developmentally appropriate strategies for behavior issues in class. 

Strategies include:

 *redirecting attention to another activity

*withdrawing the object of contention

*age appropriate calming break

Behavior concerns of a persistent nature including biting and aggression will be discussed
with the parents to address and resolve the issues.


Please label everything you send with your child’s name.

If your child takes a pacifier, please include a pacifier clip.

Play clothes are most comfortable and appropriate. We prefer closed toe shoes for the safety of your child.
Children 3 and under should have a change of clothes in their bag. Two-piece outfits are helpful for children that are potty training. 

Children should not bring toys or other items from home unless it is something they need for rest time.

Any items sent for rest time will be kept in their bag until needed.

If you choose to wean your child from a pacifier/bottle, please try to do so during a school break.

This will help your child transition easier in the home setting.


If your child is wearing a pull-up, we request that you send brands that use Velcro sides.

We want to be supportive during potty training, however we have a limited number of bathrooms,
staff, and scheduled potty breaks. It is helpful for all if you begin potty training when on a break from the program. 

If your child is unable to fully communicate their potty needs or has frequent accidents, 

we may ask for Velcro pull-ups to be provided.


Children will not be admitted when they are not feeling well.

Children who have any of the following symptoms will not be accepted in our classrooms:

Temperature above 99.9 degrees (must be fever-free for 24 hours without medication)

Vomiting or diarrhea (must be symptom-free for 24 hours)

Show signs of an acute cold or not feeling well

Respiratory infection, Flu, Sore throat or strep throat, Croup, Cloudy or green mucus, Constant cough, shortness of breath, Persistent cough, Body aches, Headache, Chills, Fatigue, Infectious or unexplained rash, Pinkeye or other eye infection (must be on medication minimum of 24 hours), Any childhood disease (e.g. Scarlet fever, Measles, mumps, chickenpox), Loss of taste or smell.



We are willing to give your child medication when necessary. 

We must have this form on file for each medication.


Each class has a rest time during the day. Children do not have to go to sleep, but they are required to rest quietly. Please bring a nap mat for your child to rest/sleep on. The nap mats will be stored in the classroom and sent home during school breaks.

If your child is unable to consistently rest quietly during rest/nap time, we might schedule a pick-up time for your child after lunch. 

Tuition will remain the same if this should occur.


Each child brings a lunch and two drinks for the day. Please send one drink for snack time and the other for lunch time; no-spill cups are required in all rooms. Lunches should include fingers foods that your child can handle on their own and

do not require special preparation or refrigeration. Please do not send glass containers or carbonated drinks.

Church of the Servant is not a peanut/tree nut free facility. If your child has a food allergy, there will be accommodations put in place for that classroom according to the degree of allergy. Each room is supplied with a list of all the food/medical allergies and your child’s teacher will inform you of any known food allergies that will require special attention.


We work to keep our fee and tuition as low as possible for our families while still providing a superior program. 

Any donations of supplies are appreciated.

Dual Program Pick-Up

If you are blessed to have kids at both Starbright & Warm World, for the safety of our students and staff, we please ask that you pick up your Starbright child, and then head to carpool to pick up your Warm World child.  When you pick up your Starbright child please feel free to park in carpool. We do start carpool at 2:20, so we just ask that you’re in your car by then to keep it moving!