Mrs. Smith & Ms. Heather
Christmas Caroling and Pajama Days will be Tuesday & Wednesday, 12/17 & 18, 9:40am, in the Celebration Center (main sanctuary!)
Playdoh (all colors!)
Board books (English as well as Spanish)
Light Spinners
Sound machines
Infant mirrors
Completely wipeable (all plastic) infant and toddler Light and sound toys
If you are blessed to have kids at both Starbright & Warm World, for the safety of our students and staff, we please ask that you pick up your Starbright child, and then head to carpool to pick up your Warm World child.
When you pick up your Starbright child please feel free to park in carpool. We do start carpool at 2:20, so we just ask that you’re in your car by then to keep it moving!
We celebrate Super Hero Day on the last Friday of September each year.
Cookie Lookie Sign-Up for ALL Kindergartners
RAZ-kids (Teacher Name: warmworld)